our executive board


William blathras

William is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison double majoring in Political Science and History. He has worked as an intern for the 19th State Senate District along with the 55th State Assembly District. He is the Chairman of the UW-Madison College Republicans. Additionally, he is a Publicist for the Wisconsin Standard newspaper. He is currently serving in his second term as federation Chair, and has served as the previous federation Vice-Chairman.



Kaden is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, where he is studying Criminal Justice and Political Science and is currently working as Master of Control at the Grant County Jail. Kaden currently serves as an elected alderman for the city of Lancaster, Wisconsin. He is also on the Student Senate at UW-Platteville. Kaden currently serves as the Chairman of the UW Platteville College Republicans.

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Theo is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, where he is studying political science. He has served as an intern for the 55th Assembly District. He had served as the Western Regional Vice Chair and Financial Director for the Wisconsin Federation of College Republicans prior to this role.

national committeeman

Jackson is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. He serves as the representative from Wisconsin on the College Republicans of America national board. Jackson is also a student senator at his school of UW-Stout. Jackson serves as the Chairman for the University of Wisconsin-Stout College Republicans as well.

Brady penfield
western regional vice chair

jonathan draeger
Southern regional vice chair

will caldwell

Will is a junior at Wisconsin Lutheran College, where he is studying political science and finance. He is the College-Chairman of Wisconsin Teen Republicans and additionally served as Parliamentarian on the Wisconsin Federation of College Republicans board. Prior to his role as secretary, he served as the Parliamentarian for the WICRs.

ryan vazquez
northeastern regional vicechair

Ryan is a senior at Ripon College where he is majoring in Political Science. Ryan serves as the co-chair of the Ripon College Republicans, additionally, he has been able to campaign for several Republican candidates in the Wisconsin State Legislature.

zachary hasteras
Milwaukee regional vice chair

h.a. turkington
alumni director

H.A. is an alumni of the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, graduating in December of 2017 with a double major in Economics and Business (Finance emphasis). He serves as the Alumni Director for the Wisconsin College Republicans. Additionally, he serves as the Policy Director of Republicans for National Renewal and has worked on multiple political campaigns in the past, the most recent being Wisconsin Trump Victory in 2020.